This year we will have our second annual Wax Museum! This project will give you, as students, the opportunity to showcase your love for reading with a presentation of your favorite novel. This project is made up of two important sections: a presentation and a paper.
The Presentation
On February 24th, 2012, Students will line the halls of SST Discovery to display a scene from their favorite book. Students
will be provided with a large white paper to be a background. They will dress as their favorite character and pretend to be in that scene! As the students are frozen in their scenes, visitors will come to hear the "wax figures" come to life to tell them about the book. Students will tell their listeners about the book, their character, and the scene they chose. The backdrop will be started in class but should be finished at home.
Costumes must be obtained by the student and should be as close as possible to your character's clothes/fur/armor. However, if you can't get it exactly right, that's OK. Try to do your best on the whole project because those projects voted to be the best for each grade will compete again at a
Barnes and Noble event to see who is the best in the whole school!
The Paper
On Monday, February 27th, a one page paper will be due covering the novel students chose. A complete rubric for this paper will be distributed to the students and put on this website at a later date.
Wednesday, January 11: Must turn in book choice and the main character you have chosen to represent. This must be a book that you have ALREADY READ. This book must be a fictional or narrative story.
Wednesday, January 25: Outline of the character's costume and plans for background are due. (Worksheet handed out)
Thursday, January 26: After school workday. I will be available after school to answer questions and help you with any problems you are having with your project. This workdays will continue until the day of the Wax Museum.
Thursday, February 23: Completed background/backdrop is due. They will be stored in the my classroom until the event starts.
Friday, February 24: Students will arrive at school dressed in costume. The displays and presentations will start during 8th period but doors will open to family members at 3:00. Make sure your family members come and vote for their favorite display. The winners will have the honor of showcasing their project at Barnes and Noble and competing to be the best in the school. (There might even be some prizes involved!)
Monday, February 27: Final draft of the paper is due.
Winners will be announced.
Friday, March 2nd: Barnes and Noble event featuring the winners of the school wax museum will be on display for voting and prizes!
That's it so far. Please check back for more information often!
Mrs. Asterman