Our last unit this year was on persuassion. Sorry parents, that means that your kids will be even better at asking for what they want! Well one of the topics we covered was reviews. Michael decided to take his review assignment one step further and fix it up in a final draft. His review of Minecraft has solidfied this for me once and for all: I NEED TO PLAY THIS GAME! Good job persuading me Michael!
By: Mojang
Platform: Xbox, PC
Rating: E10+
Price: free-$20
When you wake up in a strange three dimensional world of many items. Where all things come from blocks, these many things include ores, monsters, animals, resources, and tools. You can join the 20,000,000 people that are playing the epic journey through unknown lands. Venture into caves, explore above, in and underworld, and a far away land. Use weapons and tools to protect and build what you can only imagine unitl now. Help the player, Steve to survive the worlds challenges. Be alone, or play with friends. You can build for fun, or survive. Maybe give yourself a challenge on hardcore, the hardest mode stuck and you have one life. Fight a walking TNT, or maybe your own TNT, and destroy everything. So what are you waiting for, play the majestic adventure game, called Minecraft.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Student Writer of the Week 5-14-12
Even an everyday journal entry can be extraordinary. Today I feature a student who I have seen make a lot of progress this year. Congratulations to Marcos for making it on the website!
My Weekend
By Marcos
This weekend me, my mom and my friend Cameron went to go see the Avengers on the premire. There was so much people that me Cameron were next to eachother but my mom wasent. Right in the middle ther was a fire alarm! We did not care we still saw it. After that I went to speend a night at his house and played video games. We fell aslep in the middle of the hulk. The morning, Dominic came over. We had so much fun.
My Weekend
By Marcos
This weekend me, my mom and my friend Cameron went to go see the Avengers on the premire. There was so much people that me Cameron were next to eachother but my mom wasent. Right in the middle ther was a fire alarm! We did not care we still saw it. After that I went to speend a night at his house and played video games. We fell aslep in the middle of the hulk. The morning, Dominic came over. We had so much fun.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Social Studies Test on Wednesday, May 16th!
Social Studies Chapter 9 Test
The Turn of the Century
Lesson 1: The Cattle Kingdom
- Longhorns
- Cattle drives and the jobs the trail boss, cowhands, and drags had
- Richard King- largest ranch in Texas
- Ranching culture: lasso, rodeos, and tall boots, leather chaps
- End of the cattle drives: barbed wire and railroads
Lesson 2: Railroads and Industry
- Before railroads, people used horse-drawn carts, wagons, and steamboats as transportation
- The first locomotives in Texas brought a lot of changes:
o More settlers and businesses moved to Texas
o New goods could be brought to communities
Skills: Use a Time Zone Map
Lesson 3: Oil
- One of the largest oil derricks was Spindletop which gushed 100 feet in the air and spewed for nine days.
- refinery - a factory that turns oil into products such as grease and kerosene
- Before it was used for gas, oil was grease for machines and burned in lamps for light
- Boomtowns – population grew quickly
Galveston Hurricane
- Isaac M. Cline tried to warn people
- September 8, 1900
Lesson 4&5 : Texas in a Changing World & Texas in World War II
- During WWI and WWII, Texans fought in the war and many pilots and soldiers were trained in TX.
- Suffrage: the right to vote
- In 1919, the TX legislature approved the 19th amendment giving women the right to vote.
- Great Depression
- Dust Bowl
- Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
- Audie Murphy – Texan, got the most medals
- Casualty- dead and wounded
- Because of WWII: Texas changed from rural farms to industrial cities
- At home people supported the war effort
- Women took on many new jobs
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Student Writing of the Week 5/7
Don't forget to drop your writing in the box. I had so few entries this week but Anish would deserve to be the writer of the week no matter what.
The Lost Friends
By Anish
Jack found himself in a bus. In the backseat. He didn't know where the bus was going but he knew he was in the dessert. There was something in his pocket it was wet and it was a envolope with a usb. He had lost his memory. His instincts told him to open the cap. When he did it turned into a sword.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Student Writing of the Week 4-30-12
I think that some of the best writing comes from the heart. In this week's writing of the week, Amatuallah reaches deep inside and shares a part of herself with us. I'm also proud of her for trying a new genre of poetry/prose.
By Amatuallah
Life these days can be really painful.
Sometimes you just want to cry.
The times might come to end you life.
I might just whine
but not today
maybe tomorrow but this isn't my day.
Sure maybe it's done
but for me you'll be happy.
By Amatuallah
Life these days can be really painful.
Sometimes you just want to cry.
The times might come to end you life.
I might just whine
but not today
maybe tomorrow but this isn't my day.
Sure maybe it's done
but for me you'll be happy.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Student Writer of the Week 2-23
It seems like I am constantly telling my students that editing and revising your work will lead to better, more complete, and more interesting stories. Well it seems that someone has finally taken that advice to heart. The following story by Eleonora went through several drafts and her hard work has really paid off!
Cindy and Lilly
By Eleonora
Chapter 1
There was a girl named Cindy that lives with her family. Cindy has always kept a secret from her family because they would be shocked! Well Cindy is very friendly to people. Also she has blond hair and is wearing a blue shirt with jeans. Lilly has the same gift as Cindy... to see ghosts! Lilly is sometimes shy and sometimes very friendly. She is wearing a yellow shirt and jeans. They are both in the same class in 5th grade. Then one morning, Cindy and Lilly went to class when they saw a lot of little ghost children. They both saw them at school. Then they screamed so loud that the class stared at them shocked for a long time. After that the teacher yelled, "WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU TWO?" Then Cindy and Lilly went to their seats really fast and said, "We were freaked of how many kids we have in our class." After that, they began to study for their test in math. When school was over they went home to talk to a ghost from school!
To be continued...
Cindy and Lilly
By Eleonora
Chapter 1
There was a girl named Cindy that lives with her family. Cindy has always kept a secret from her family because they would be shocked! Well Cindy is very friendly to people. Also she has blond hair and is wearing a blue shirt with jeans. Lilly has the same gift as Cindy... to see ghosts! Lilly is sometimes shy and sometimes very friendly. She is wearing a yellow shirt and jeans. They are both in the same class in 5th grade. Then one morning, Cindy and Lilly went to class when they saw a lot of little ghost children. They both saw them at school. Then they screamed so loud that the class stared at them shocked for a long time. After that the teacher yelled, "WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU TWO?" Then Cindy and Lilly went to their seats really fast and said, "We were freaked of how many kids we have in our class." After that, they began to study for their test in math. When school was over they went home to talk to a ghost from school!
To be continued...
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Student Writer of the Week 4-17-12
This week I have an excellent example of a student who writes in detail. I love how Sanjana takes the time to describe whats going on in the story without giving it all away at once. Building suspense is obviously one of Sanjana's skills. This spy story also has thoughtful plot developments that cause the characters to have to make decisions that will effect the course of the story. Her characters feel like real people because of this! I can't wait for chapter 2!
The Robots
By Sanjana
Chapter 1
I am Agent F, Feasus, my partner is Agent C, Carmen, our back up is Agent Q, Quimberly. Yesterday night there was some strange things going on. People were disappearing, even the president! So our agency team is going to find out what is making this happen and who is making this happen. Today Agent C and I saw the person who is making all these people disappear. We hid behind the bushes to see what he was doing.
I called Agent Q right away, “Hello, Agent Q, we spotted the villan. Come quickly. It took some time for Agent Q to come and the villain was starting to leave, with something huge in his hand, I couldn’t make out it was but it had a robot face! Agent C sugested we follow him and we did. We were walking right behind him and he didn't even notice, which was great. He lead us through a forest, then stopped in front of a huge, evil labratory.
He had a voice activiating machine wich would only recomend to his voice to open the door, some way or another we had to sneak in. This time we hid by the wall. When he went inside the doorway, we went right after him.
"Oh my Gosh!" me and Agent Q said at the same time.
"Jinks, triple jinks, you own me a soda," I said.
"Hurry up and focus on our job not on soda" Agent C said.
Back to... (oh my gosh), there were hundreds of people trapped in cages. Small ones, big ones, even humongous ones. I heard a noise behind me and when I looked back Agent C was gone! I didn't know what to do I had to act fast!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Student Writer of the Week: 4-9-12
I hope everyone had a great 3 day weekend! It's back to work though and back to showcasing a great student writer. Clearly my students have a gift for the terrifying. Cassie shares her ghost encounter with us this week. I'm beginning to think that San Antonio is a pretty haunted city. I just hope I don't see one!

A Time I Saw a Ghost!
By Cassie
One late evening I came out of the restroom and my older brother, Erik came out of the kitchen and we saw my little brother, Sean (look like ghost form) go into his room and close the door. Erik told me, “Sean would never close his door!” Then I said, “Lets go in!” So we went in and the lights were off. I said to Erik, “Sean would never turn off the lights he’s afraid of the dark!” So me and Erik told Sean and my little sister Nicky and they were scared. I told them, “Nicky sleep in my room and Sean sleep in Erik’s room. “So I slept in Nicky’s room and I heard noises. They were coming from the kitchen so I go in and look and I see…
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Social Studies Test on April 10th!
Chapter 8: Texas and the Civil War
Key terms, people, and events that will be on the test:
Plantation - Cash crop - Cotton gin State’s rights Slavery - auctions - Jobs of slaves - Runaways - How owners treated slaves Election of 1860 - Abraham Lincoln | Secede Confederacy/ Confederate States of America Secessionists Blockade Fort Sumpter Soldier’s Uniforms Union and Confederate Flags Jefferson Davis Robert E. Lee Ulysses S. Grant Abraham Lincoln’s assassination Surrender at Virginia | Juneteenth Segregation Amendment Carpetbagger Sharecropper Steps to rejoining the Union Freed Slaves |
Monday, April 2, 2012
Student Writing of the Week: 4-2-12
I am always proud of the creativity that is shown by the student writer of the week. This time is no different. However, I could tell that Mikel spent some time going over this piece and making sure that spelling and grammar were correct as well. Thank you Mikel for your positively powerful punctuation!
The Nightmare
What kind of world are we in! Wait let me start at the beginning. It was Saturday and my brother came home from a tiring Saturday detention so I let him lay on the black leather couch. We had fallen asleeep and woke up in a dark world. Then we saw Freddy Krueger and then there was many serial killers like Jason and Billy. There was a green whirlpool so me and my brother jumped in. When we woke up Jeepers Creepers gripped our arms and Jason sharpened his machette. "Is this the end?" my brother asked. "I don't know." I said
To be continued...
The Nightmare
What kind of world are we in! Wait let me start at the beginning. It was Saturday and my brother came home from a tiring Saturday detention so I let him lay on the black leather couch. We had fallen asleeep and woke up in a dark world. Then we saw Freddy Krueger and then there was many serial killers like Jason and Billy. There was a green whirlpool so me and my brother jumped in. When we woke up Jeepers Creepers gripped our arms and Jason sharpened his machette. "Is this the end?" my brother asked. "I don't know." I said
To be continued...
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Student Writing of the Week 3/26/12
Well, I apologize everyone for the late post. With all of the STAAR testing we've been so busy! This week is a very sad post. One of my student writers wrote a heart-felt journal entry on the loss of her great grandmother. Just like life, writing has highs and lows. However, writing about your feelings can often help you to heal. My heart goes out to Destiny and her family as they go through this tough time.
Based on a true story
By Destiny
My great grandma was in the hospital for a week and died there 3 times but this machine brought her to life so she came home well about 3 days later she was really sick so the people didnt think she was going to make it in 3 weeks so she stopped dialieses and went on hosspist. The estiment was 2 weeks till she would die so my uncle was coming from Oaklahona would come. On friday the past week she spoke very little I told her "I loved her" she said "I love you to." Saterday she didnt speak Sunday we were going to her house then my aunt called she said "shes gone" my grandma burst into tears We dorve there fast when I saw her dead and I started to cry I love you were the last words I told her at 12:45 Sunday she was in Heven with Jesus
Based on a true story
By Destiny
My great grandma was in the hospital for a week and died there 3 times but this machine brought her to life so she came home well about 3 days later she was really sick so the people didnt think she was going to make it in 3 weeks so she stopped dialieses and went on hosspist. The estiment was 2 weeks till she would die so my uncle was coming from Oaklahona would come. On friday the past week she spoke very little I told her "I loved her" she said "I love you to." Saterday she didnt speak Sunday we were going to her house then my aunt called she said "shes gone" my grandma burst into tears We dorve there fast when I saw her dead and I started to cry I love you were the last words I told her at 12:45 Sunday she was in Heven with Jesus
Monday, March 19, 2012
Student Writing of the Week 3-19-12
Everyone knows that I can't handle scary stories or scary books. I barely made it through typing this one! However, I knew you all would like to hear Josue's scary tale.
By Josue
I felt so scared being in that place, I heard wired noises, well I'm getting carried away, let me start from the beggining. I was going to visit my grandma over in Mexico, she lives in a realy creepy house, my cousin Jacob was with me, my grandma asked me to go to the attic to get her umbrella, I had to go with Jacob again, I went up there with Jacob, it was creepy, I told Jacob that I saw something move, and there was no respond, then I saw someone else in the room, whos there?
To be continude...
Turn in any corrections for extra credit.
By Josue
I felt so scared being in that place, I heard wired noises, well I'm getting carried away, let me start from the beggining. I was going to visit my grandma over in Mexico, she lives in a realy creepy house, my cousin Jacob was with me, my grandma asked me to go to the attic to get her umbrella, I had to go with Jacob again, I went up there with Jacob, it was creepy, I told Jacob that I saw something move, and there was no respond, then I saw someone else in the room, whos there?
To be continude...
Turn in any corrections for extra credit.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Indian in the Cupboard Project
Project: What's in Your Cupboard?
Using cardboard or another type of box/container, create your own magical cupboard. You probably have a cereal box that you could use already! Using paper, glue, markers, stickers, and/or paint, decorate your cupboard. (5 points)
Select a special toy or figurine that you would like to put in the cupboard. . It does not have to be plastic, as it was in the book, but it must fit in the cupboard. Examples might be: toy dinosaur, stuffed animal, doll, toy car, toy robot, etc.) Since Omri had to keep Little Bear a secret, try to keep the identity of your toy a secret until it is presented in class! (2 points)
Next, write a short story describing what happens when the toy comes to life. Little Bear was bossy and demanding. What is your toy like when it comes to life? What adventures do the two of you have? This story should be 100 words long. (5 points)
When projects are complete, students will do presentations to the entire class and open their cupboard to show the item inside. They will tell the class what adventures they had with their toy. (3 points)
This project is worth 20 points and will be due on Wednesday, March 21st after Spring break. Students are encouraged to be creative and have fun!
Student Writing of the Week 3-5-12
I was pleased to see that this week's student writer was inspired by our class novel, "The Indian in the Cupboard." In our class novel, one of the character speaks with an accent and Lynne Reid Banks, the author, writes it into the dialogue. Michael also does a great job of showing how an individual might say a word differently! Don't turn in any spelling corrections for the words that are said in an accent. They are written that way on purpose. Here's Chapter 3 of Michael's story!
A Virus' Life
Chapter 3
by Michael
“He doesen’t know, he doesen’t know I can mess up two computers at once. I bet he’s just jealous that I’m better.” Little Terror tells himself. Right now he is sitting on a tall chip, watching the others. They must be planning something. He thought. Something to get me back. He stopped, he noticed one of them was gone.
Little Terror jumped. He turned around. “Oh, hello.” Little Terror did not know this virus.
“A didin’t know ya’ll were in thees here contraption.”
Little Terror can easily tell he has a STRONG Texan accent, though he finds it hard to understand. “I see you have an accent.” He says. “But I don’t see where you’ve rolled in from, so, where from?” He asks.
“A come from anothe contraption an was moved from mhome just bout an hour ago.” He replies with his accent. “So whare those fellows?” He asks
“Those are the viruses who made fun of me, they want to get back at me somehow.” He replies
“Oh, so ya’ll sittin ere waitin fa the guys to do somethin suspicious?” He says. “Hold on, now two of them are gone!”
Little Terror gasps. He wonders where they went and why, maybe to catch him? Then suddenly he can’t see anything, it goes black. Then he goes unconscious… To Be Continued
Monday, February 27, 2012
Student Writing of the Week 2-27
In this week's feature, we have more interesting and unique characters. Samantha writes her story from the first person point of view of her pet ferret detailing a true story that happened to him. I love her descriptive language ("I felt like a rag doll") that shows and doesn't tell. Enjoy!
A narrative
by Samantha P.
My name's Rascal. I am Samantha's ferret. One day Samantha accidentally left my cage door open. I wanted to explore so I jumped out of the cage. As soon as I jumped out, I realized that it was too high. However, I noticed while I was falling that she left her bedroom door open! What if one of Samantha's dogs found me? When I hit the ground, I hit my head on one fo the metal bars on my cage. I screeched as loud as a ferret could screech. I was so scared, I crawled under the cage. The dogs came rushing in to her room and barked at me! This was like a ferret nightmare!
I went into shock from the fall. I couldn't move even a whisker. Samantha came to my rescue and got the dogs out of her room. When she held me, I felt like a rag doll. I could tell she was so upset herself. Her eyes were wet and she was shaking as she held me in her arms. Samantha and her mom put me in my carrier and took me to the vet right away. Samantha was crying and I wanted to cry too.
The vet was very nice and gave me some medicine. I started to feel better and went home.
When I was back in my cage I couldn't reach my food bowl because it was too high for me to climb. Samantha noticed that I wasn't eating. She made a solution to my problem. She put my food bowl right next to my water. I was able to eat and drink at the same time without breaking a sweat. Samantha's a genius!
So if you are a ferret, think twice before jumping out of your cage! I learned the hard way. It's a long way down and trust me, the floor is really hard! If your human is nice like mine, she'll let you explore inside and outside every day.
A narrative
by Samantha P.
My name's Rascal. I am Samantha's ferret. One day Samantha accidentally left my cage door open. I wanted to explore so I jumped out of the cage. As soon as I jumped out, I realized that it was too high. However, I noticed while I was falling that she left her bedroom door open! What if one of Samantha's dogs found me? When I hit the ground, I hit my head on one fo the metal bars on my cage. I screeched as loud as a ferret could screech. I was so scared, I crawled under the cage. The dogs came rushing in to her room and barked at me! This was like a ferret nightmare!
I went into shock from the fall. I couldn't move even a whisker. Samantha came to my rescue and got the dogs out of her room. When she held me, I felt like a rag doll. I could tell she was so upset herself. Her eyes were wet and she was shaking as she held me in her arms. Samantha and her mom put me in my carrier and took me to the vet right away. Samantha was crying and I wanted to cry too.
The vet was very nice and gave me some medicine. I started to feel better and went home.
When I was back in my cage I couldn't reach my food bowl because it was too high for me to climb. Samantha noticed that I wasn't eating. She made a solution to my problem. She put my food bowl right next to my water. I was able to eat and drink at the same time without breaking a sweat. Samantha's a genius!
So if you are a ferret, think twice before jumping out of your cage! I learned the hard way. It's a long way down and trust me, the floor is really hard! If your human is nice like mine, she'll let you explore inside and outside every day.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Student Writing of the Week 2-21
Well here it is, the highly anticipated sequel to Michael's first story about Little Terror. Congratulations for being the Student Writer of the Week for two weeks in a row!
As always, see if you can find any mistakes and turn them in for extra credit!
A Viruses Life
Chapter 2
by Michael
The unknown virus started to spark, and shoot faster than anything Little Terror had seen before.
“Not again.” One of the three viruses said. “He’s sabotaging the files again.”
“What type of virus IS he?” Little Terror asked in fear.
“It’s said he’s the strongest, most overmutated, super Trojan horse. His name? ‘Great Destroyer.” He replies.
“Wow!” Little Terror exclaims. “That reminds me, what are your guys’ names?” Great Destroyer still continues to, apparently destroy files.
“Me? I’m The Breaker, but you can call me Breaker. I do most of the talking.” He replies. He scooches over to the second virus and says. “This, is Quiet Stomper. So named for not talking, and he stomps to make a computer screen shake and empty files.” Breaker pauses to check on Great Destroyer, now he stopped and just sits there. “I bet you’re wondering what I do. I just break up files into small pieces and block them from being accessed, what do you do?” Breaker asks Little Terror.
“Not much, just a regular Trojan horse, I access files and change things around.” He replies.
“That’s IT?!” Breaker yells, then laughs. “Wow, that’s just so little you do!” He laughs more, until Little Terror can’t stand it.
He walks away, laughing of course. So, it turns out that this will be like an annoying nightmare… what next? To be continued…
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Student Writing of the Week 2-13-12
My student writer this week really thinks outside of the box! Michael shows how you can make your main character truly unique. His main character is a computer virus! Enjoy Michael's creative and one of a kind story!
A Viruses Life
by Michael
Ever wonder what those litte microchips hold? They may contain a virus in it! This shows what those little bugs may do...
"I can sense a new computer nearbay", this is Little Terror. He's a nasty little trojan horse, strong enough to melt two computers at once. What will he do? "This flash drive just might make it to the computer. Then I can waltz in and mess it up!" He announced to himself as the flash drive slowly goes into the USB drive. That's when he stops imagining things. Yes he does live in a flash drive, but not a much used one. *Sigh*, the little bug is always bored. He has no company. But that may just change... Right, NOW!
This is rare. The flash drive Little Terror lives in is plugged in a computer! Heres the bad thing, little terror doesn't notice! The one thing is that there are viruses in the computer! They get moved to the flash drive, and unplugged. The viruses are now with Little Terror. How will Little Terror deal with this? Will he have fun or will this be a total disaster?..
"Oh hey, how did you three guys get here?" Little Terror asks the three new arrivals. "Well we were just downloaded to this here folder and was wondering who you were." One said to Little Terror. "I am Little Terror, who are you? Wait hold on, what... are... you... DOING!?!"
To be continued...
A Viruses Life
by Michael
Ever wonder what those litte microchips hold? They may contain a virus in it! This shows what those little bugs may do...
"I can sense a new computer nearbay", this is Little Terror. He's a nasty little trojan horse, strong enough to melt two computers at once. What will he do? "This flash drive just might make it to the computer. Then I can waltz in and mess it up!" He announced to himself as the flash drive slowly goes into the USB drive. That's when he stops imagining things. Yes he does live in a flash drive, but not a much used one. *Sigh*, the little bug is always bored. He has no company. But that may just change... Right, NOW!
This is rare. The flash drive Little Terror lives in is plugged in a computer! Heres the bad thing, little terror doesn't notice! The one thing is that there are viruses in the computer! They get moved to the flash drive, and unplugged. The viruses are now with Little Terror. How will Little Terror deal with this? Will he have fun or will this be a total disaster?..
"Oh hey, how did you three guys get here?" Little Terror asks the three new arrivals. "Well we were just downloaded to this here folder and was wondering who you were." One said to Little Terror. "I am Little Terror, who are you? Wait hold on, what... are... you... DOING!?!"
To be continued...
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Wax Museum Favorite Novel Paper
4th Grade English Language Arts
Wax Museum Favorite Novel Paper
Don’t forget to use complete sentences! Make sure you answer each question for the sections below. Each section should be at least one paragraph, but you will probably need more to answer each question, and each paragraph should be 5-7 sentences. Review your writing for spelling and grammar mistakes before turning it in. This paper may be typed or handwritten neatly and will be counted as a test grade. Due on Mon, February 27, 2012.
Plot Summary
A summary of a fictional text should introduce the title and the author. It focuses on important events from the beginning, middle, and end of the story leaving out unimportant details. Organize your summary according to stages of a story’s plot as we discussed in class.
· Introduction: The main character(s), setting, and conflict/problem of the story are introduced.
· Rising Action: Interesting events begin to happen and more information about the conflict is given.
· Climax: The character comes face to face with their problem.
· Falling Action: The conflict is resolved.
· Resolution: The story comes to a reasonable close. The theme of the book should be clear. The theme is what the character(s) learned that you can apply to your own life. Write what you think the theme of the story is.
Scene Selection
What is the most climactic scene involving your character? Why? Describe, in detail, this scene and what role the character played in what happened in the scene. What other characters were involved in this scene? (This is the scene you will draw on the background for your wax museum display.)
Character Analysis
Introduce the character you have chosen to feature. Describe your character in the following ways:
My character….
· Looks...
o What does the character look like? How do the character’s physical attributes play a role in the story?
· Thinks...
o How would you describe this character’s intelligence? What does this character know? What does this character learn as the story develops?
· Feels...
o How does this character feel most of the time? When faced with challenges in the story, what emotions come up for this character?
· Relates...
o How does this character get along with other characters in the story? Who does this character choose for friends and why does this character choose them? Does this character have enemies? How did they come to be enemies?
· Believes...
o What does this character believe about the way life is? What are these beliefs based on? How do these beliefs affect the choices this character makes?
Students who make connections while reading are better able to understand the text they are reading. It is important for students to draw on their prior knowledge and experiences to connect with the text. Students are thinking when they are connecting, which makes them more engaged in the reading experience. Write about connections you made while reading…
· Text to self: This reminds me of... (something that happened in your life)
· Text to text: This reminds me of…(another book or article that you read)
· Text to world: This reminds me of… (something going on your school, community, or in the world)
Book Review
Write a brief review. Did you like the book? Why? What were your favorite things? Would you recommend it to anyone you know?
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Student Writing of the Week 1-30-12
Talk about getting creative! Students can drop any kind of writing in the publishing portal. Plays, poems, letters, biographies, fantasys, and research reports are all options. Dominic really thought outside of the box and turned in a TV show script! Enjoy!
by Dominic

Narrator: Warning! The people in this show's name's have been changed. Don't etempt the the things you are about to see... or you will DIE.
Tonight on 1,000 ways to die on halo, a guy who didn't see the end of the cliff had ended up in the sea, Someone didn't look both ways and got hit, and death.
June 14, 2525 10:30AM. Spartan 1337 wasn't the brighteswt solder in the UNSC so he got in a lot of fight's and one was with sgt. Jones because he called him a loser and when he was backing up and he didn't see the edge and fell 10ft.
Dr. Cortez: At a 10ft drop he would have a major head injury, about 3 broken ribs, and a broken arm and leg.
Narrator: toon in nextime for 1,000 way to die on Halo also follow us on facebook and twitter
by Dominic
Narrator: Warning! The people in this show's name's have been changed. Don't etempt the the things you are about to see... or you will DIE.
Tonight on 1,000 ways to die on halo, a guy who didn't see the end of the cliff had ended up in the sea, Someone didn't look both ways and got hit, and death.
June 14, 2525 10:30AM. Spartan 1337 wasn't the brighteswt solder in the UNSC so he got in a lot of fight's and one was with sgt. Jones because he called him a loser and when he was backing up and he didn't see the edge and fell 10ft.
Dr. Cortez: At a 10ft drop he would have a major head injury, about 3 broken ribs, and a broken arm and leg.
Narrator: toon in nextime for 1,000 way to die on Halo also follow us on facebook and twitter
2011 Wax Museum Examples
Last year's Wax Museum was a huge success. Here are some examples of our top students. These students were voted to move on to the Barnes and Noble event. I hope you get an idea of how your costume and backdrop will work together to convey the book you chose!

Friday, January 20, 2012
Wax Museum
This year we will have our second annual Wax Museum! This project will give you, as students, the opportunity to showcase your love for reading with a presentation of your favorite novel. This project is made up of two important sections: a presentation and a paper.
The Presentation
On February 24th, 2012, Students will line the halls of SST Discovery to display a scene from their favorite book. Students will be provided with a large white paper to be a background. They will dress as their favorite character and pretend to be in that scene! As the students are frozen in their scenes, visitors will come to hear the "wax figures" come to life to tell them about the book. Students will tell their listeners about the book, their character, and the scene they chose. The backdrop will be started in class but should be finished at home. Costumes must be obtained by the student and should be as close as possible to your character's clothes/fur/armor. However, if you can't get it exactly right, that's OK. Try to do your best on the whole project because those projects voted to be the best for each grade will compete again at a Barnes and Noble event to see who is the best in the whole school!
The Paper
On Monday, February 27th, a one page paper will be due covering the novel students chose. A complete rubric for this paper will be distributed to the students and put on this website at a later date.
Wednesday, January 11: Must turn in book choice and the main character you have chosen to represent. This must be a book that you have ALREADY READ. This book must be a fictional or narrative story.
Wednesday, January 25: Outline of the character's costume and plans for background are due. (Worksheet handed out)
Thursday, January 26: After school workday. I will be available after school to answer questions and help you with any problems you are having with your project. This workdays will continue until the day of the Wax Museum.
Thursday, February 23: Completed background/backdrop is due. They will be stored in the my classroom until the event starts.
Friday, February 24: Students will arrive at school dressed in costume. The displays and presentations will start during 8th period but doors will open to family members at 3:00. Make sure your family members come and vote for their favorite display. The winners will have the honor of showcasing their project at Barnes and Noble and competing to be the best in the school. (There might even be some prizes involved!)
Monday, February 27: Final draft of the paper is due.
Winners will be announced.
Friday, March 2nd: Barnes and Noble event featuring the winners of the school wax museum will be on display for voting and prizes!
That's it so far. Please check back for more information often!
Mrs. Asterman
The Presentation
On February 24th, 2012, Students will line the halls of SST Discovery to display a scene from their favorite book. Students will be provided with a large white paper to be a background. They will dress as their favorite character and pretend to be in that scene! As the students are frozen in their scenes, visitors will come to hear the "wax figures" come to life to tell them about the book. Students will tell their listeners about the book, their character, and the scene they chose. The backdrop will be started in class but should be finished at home. Costumes must be obtained by the student and should be as close as possible to your character's clothes/fur/armor. However, if you can't get it exactly right, that's OK. Try to do your best on the whole project because those projects voted to be the best for each grade will compete again at a Barnes and Noble event to see who is the best in the whole school!
The Paper
On Monday, February 27th, a one page paper will be due covering the novel students chose. A complete rubric for this paper will be distributed to the students and put on this website at a later date.
Wednesday, January 11: Must turn in book choice and the main character you have chosen to represent. This must be a book that you have ALREADY READ. This book must be a fictional or narrative story.
Wednesday, January 25: Outline of the character's costume and plans for background are due. (Worksheet handed out)
Thursday, January 26: After school workday. I will be available after school to answer questions and help you with any problems you are having with your project. This workdays will continue until the day of the Wax Museum.
Thursday, February 23: Completed background/backdrop is due. They will be stored in the my classroom until the event starts.
Friday, February 24: Students will arrive at school dressed in costume. The displays and presentations will start during 8th period but doors will open to family members at 3:00. Make sure your family members come and vote for their favorite display. The winners will have the honor of showcasing their project at Barnes and Noble and competing to be the best in the school. (There might even be some prizes involved!)
Monday, February 27: Final draft of the paper is due.
Winners will be announced.
Friday, March 2nd: Barnes and Noble event featuring the winners of the school wax museum will be on display for voting and prizes!
That's it so far. Please check back for more information often!
Mrs. Asterman
Student Writing of the Week 1-20-12
This week's writing shows how a story should have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Anish's story shows the characters changing at the end of the story! Don't forget to turn in any corrections to Mrs. Asterman at school or post them in the comments below for extra credit!
A play by Anish
Mario: Hey luigi You want to have a race?
Luigi: Sure
Narrator: It took a long time finally they finished. Mario had won.
Mario: Good race.
Luigi: Thanks!
Mario: I"ll help you so on your turns let's practice.
One year later
Mario and luigi raced again, this this time luigi won. Mario was proud of luigi.
Good luck on your writing submission for next week. Create a draft, have a fellow student edit and revise it, then turn in your final draft. :)
A play by Anish
Mario: Hey luigi You want to have a race?
Luigi: Sure
Narrator: It took a long time finally they finished. Mario had won.
Mario: Good race.
Luigi: Thanks!
Mario: I"ll help you so on your turns let's practice.
One year later
Mario and luigi raced again, this this time luigi won. Mario was proud of luigi.
Good luck on your writing submission for next week. Create a draft, have a fellow student edit and revise it, then turn in your final draft. :)
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Student Writing of the Week 1-17-12
Hello everyone,
I'm excited to share the chosen writing this week! Antoine set his story during World War II! Watch how he plays with time using a flashback in part II.
All students can print out or hand copy this story and hand correct it showing correct editing marks for extra credit! Good luck!
By: Antoine
A 17 year old by named Jake leonard. He was telling his mom (Rose) if he could join the army to fight the war. What he expected was No! but what he got was "Do what you want but promise to be safe you hear me." When the bus came to pick him up he gave his mom and sister one last kiss and left as he left he could see his mom crying and waving. 1 month after the war he was a ace Flying in the sky then all of a sudden he was falling to the pacific ocean all he could Remember him looking out the window of the bus and then his sister. The soldier died with love in his heart and a smile across his Face
"Hitler! Hitler is coming! get in your Battle posicions!" Said Genaral west. "Jake com over Here Now!" Genaral said. "Sir Jakes plane went down at 2:30 this morning." said corpral Then all of the sudden something came out of the water. It was Jake! That morning Jake was told to make sure there were no enemy aircrafts in sight. Two miles it was sure to be clear but all of the sudden to enemy boats showed on The radar they started shooting at his wings they were siDe by side so he only has 1 choice. blow up the plane when he know it was time he jumped off the plane the parashuted off the plane. He swam 20 miles intill he saw the base. "Gosh man your like a lion thats not afraid of water!" said Genaral. "Give Him food, water, and a shower! He stink like a pig that just past gas!" Corpral said. When Jake got all his needs he picked up a sniper and climbed a tree. when he saw Hitler he waited till the target was clear an Fired. The Nazi surrenderd to the soldiers. They let the Nazi's go For peace. Jake survives the rest of the war.
I'm excited to share the chosen writing this week! Antoine set his story during World War II! Watch how he plays with time using a flashback in part II.
All students can print out or hand copy this story and hand correct it showing correct editing marks for extra credit! Good luck!
By: Antoine
A 17 year old by named Jake leonard. He was telling his mom (Rose) if he could join the army to fight the war. What he expected was No! but what he got was "Do what you want but promise to be safe you hear me." When the bus came to pick him up he gave his mom and sister one last kiss and left as he left he could see his mom crying and waving. 1 month after the war he was a ace Flying in the sky then all of a sudden he was falling to the pacific ocean all he could Remember him looking out the window of the bus and then his sister. The soldier died with love in his heart and a smile across his Face
Or did he?
"Hitler! Hitler is coming! get in your Battle posicions!" Said Genaral west. "Jake com over Here Now!" Genaral said. "Sir Jakes plane went down at 2:30 this morning." said corpral Then all of the sudden something came out of the water. It was Jake! That morning Jake was told to make sure there were no enemy aircrafts in sight. Two miles it was sure to be clear but all of the sudden to enemy boats showed on The radar they started shooting at his wings they were siDe by side so he only has 1 choice. blow up the plane when he know it was time he jumped off the plane the parashuted off the plane. He swam 20 miles intill he saw the base. "Gosh man your like a lion thats not afraid of water!" said Genaral. "Give Him food, water, and a shower! He stink like a pig that just past gas!" Corpral said. When Jake got all his needs he picked up a sniper and climbed a tree. when he saw Hitler he waited till the target was clear an Fired. The Nazi surrenderd to the soldiers. They let the Nazi's go For peace. Jake survives the rest of the war.
And These are the tales of:
Monday, January 9, 2012
Student Writing of the Week
Every week, I will post some writing from our 4th grade class that students have taken through the writing process and submitted for publishing. Only one student can be featured! Please enjoy our first winner's work.
A play by Francheska
A play by Francheska
Francheska: Mom, what are you doing?
Mom: I am cooking
Francheska: What are you cooking?
Mom: Ice cream with syrup
Francheska: Why?
Mom: Because I want to try something different.
Francheska: Ok, can I try some?
Mom: Sure.
Francheska: (takes a bite) Hey, that actually tastes good. Thank you!
Mom: No problem. See, if you try new things, you might like it.
Francheska: Thanks.
(they both hug)
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